Friday, April 18, 2014
New Adventures (the recession hits home)
I want to apologize for my dearth of January posts. It's been a difficult month. I had eye surgery a few weeks ago in an effort to improve my vision. Unfortunately, I had an allergic reaction to the sutures they used, which left me bleary-eyed and unable to read or use a computer. Last week, as my vision finally was getting back to normal, I got laid off from my day job as a videographer for the ACLU. The layoff didn't come as a complete surprise - the organization had lost a major donor - but that fact didn't ease the emotional difficulty of the situation.
The good news is that, with the economy as it is, I don't anticipate I'll be back at a nine-to-fiver any time soon, so I'm planning a solo bike trip in Arizona and Utah. I'm also looking forward to having the freedom to work on some longer investigative pieces I've had shelved, like the fate of the free Ikea water-taxi and other benefits Ikea promised to Red Hook residents. So stay tuned for the fruits of "funemploymnet."
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